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300+ Best 21st Birthday Quotes For Instagram: Perfect Captions & Wishes

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Looking for the best 21st birthday quotes for Instagram for your special day? Check this post for the best 21st birthday captions to shine on social media!

Turning 21 is a big deal! The birthday is such a beautiful occasion that you will definitely take a lot of beautiful pictures and want to post them to your Instagram.

But wait, how about the captions?

If you are looking for the best 21st birthday Instagram captions, you’ve come to the right place! Look no further but check the below list of the best captions we prepared for you. You can find the perfect caption for every single birthday post of your birthday awesome looks and add so much fun.

Looking for the perfect 21st birthday caption for your boyfriend’s, girlfriend’s, family members’ or dear friend’s birthday? We also include the best list of 21st birthday captions and wishes. Adding a cute wish quote to your Instagram post for their 21st birthday is a good idea! So pick up good 21st birthday captions from our list for your friends and someone you love, and show how much you care about them.

Now scroll down to check the quotes and have a great time!

21st Birthday Quotes For Instagram

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This post is all about 21st birthday quotes for Instagram.


Best 21st Birthday Quotes For Your Instagram Post


1. It’s my 21st birthday. I guess there’s a thirst time for everything.


2. Don’t worry about your age, you will be older next year. Happy birthday!


3. I’m now one year bolder. Happy birthday to me!


4. Remember, if you can’t count backwards from 21 by sevens, you’re probably having too good of a time at your 21st birthday celebration. Happy 21st birthday!


5. Want to see my ID?


6. Hit me with your best shot!


7. You were my cup of tea, but I drink champagne now.


8. The only things getting LIT today are the candles on my cake!


9. Hakuna Moscato: It means no worries on your 21st birthday.


10. Hold on to your inner child as you get older.


11. On cloud wine.


12. Twinkle, twinkle little star. Point me to the nearest bar.


13. Blow out the candles, make a wish, and may all good things come true for you. Happy 21st birthday to someone very special.


14. Found my birthday crown.


15. Go shawty, it’s your birthday.


16. Having a pitcher-perfect birthday.


17. In dog years, I’m only 7!


18. Today may be a great day cause it’s my birthday!


Funny 21st Birthday Captions For Instagram

21st birthday quotes for instagram

19. Happy birthday dear self.


20. I’m so glad this beautiful human continues to exist another year.


21. Birthdays are nature’s way of telling you to eat more cake.


22. My age is not just a number. It’s my experience on planet Earth.


23. Humble, with just a hint of Kanye.


24. Wishing you the very best year ever.


25. If we all knew the greatness that awaits us at certain ages of our lives we’ll appreciate certain ages more. Today, you are 21, happy birthday to you.


26. Growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional.


27. Just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it’s an honest idea.


28. Twenty one is that the magical age when responsibility starts to taste better than alcohol. Enjoy your new taste for responsibility.


29. Don’t worry if you can’t make it to my birthday. I’m accepting gifts all year long.


30. Who said getting old meant looking old?


31. The best birthday gift anyone can have is a smile for the whole day of happiness and the blessings from the person whom they adore.


32. Happy 21st birthday to you. The forces of heaven all join hands with the good people of earth to celebrate the excellence in you.


33. On this great day of my 21st anniversary, it’s my prayer that I will continue to enjoy a bright world and do remarkable things no one has done ever. Happy birthday to me.


34. 21 years gone and you’re still great and amazing. You’re an epitome of perfection. Happy birthday to you.


35. Happy 21st birthday. Is the 21st century not a good time to be 21? Have the best of years ahead and know that you are unstoppable.


36. I remember the excitement I felt when turning 21. It’s a great age! Happy birthday to you.


37. Got that birthday vibe feeling.


Funny Birthday Caption Ideas For 21st Birthday

21st birthday quotes for instagram

38. Happy beer-th day to me.


39. Try not to stress over your age, you’ll be more established one year from now. Cheerful birthday!


40. On your 21st birthday, I celebrate the most beautiful girlfriend in the world. There is something exceptional with this day since God carefully created the love of my life; it appears he carefully arranged in place each of your parts. That is why you are gorgeous. I wish you the best on this occasion and many more to come. I would still want to be at your side as you celebrate your 99th.


41. Despite the fact that I’ve had the best 21 years of my life up until now, I celebrate in light of the fact that I know there are numerous better a long time ahead. I glad 21 to me.


42. Hugs, kisses and lots of birthday wishes!


43. At the point when I was four years of age, I used to accept telecasters lived inside radio and TV sets. Presently I am 21, and all the guiltlessness is no more. I anticipate confronting the difficulties of adulthood brightly. Glad birthday to me!


44. Gonna party like it’s my birthday…’cause it is.


45. I feel privileged to have spent one more year of my life with you. Happy birthday!


46. Adding one number to age. And three hundred and sixty five days to wisdom.


47. You deserve all the cake and sparkles today. Happy birthday!


48. Birthdays can last a full week (or even a month), but you don’t want to spend your actual DOB searching for that perfect Instagram caption.


49. Well, guys, it’s official. I’m old. I was online today and had to actually scroll down to find my birth year in the scrollbar. Happy birthday to me. Yippee!


50. Happening right now… the perfect place #toast21 😍😍😍 #toastmag #sistersforlife


51. They say you stop growing once you’re out of high school, but I just outgrow my fake I.D.


52. The best gift ever is you.


53. “Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!” — Dr. Seuss


54. This is my year of dreams coming true.


55. The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there’s in life to celebrate.


56. 21 doesn’t feel any difference than 20. LOL.


57. 21st birthday is good beer, hot girls, party and police.


58. Like a fine wine, you’re only getting better with age.


59. “The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” – Oprah Winfrey


Good Caption Ideas For 21st Birthday

21st birthday quotes for instagram

60. Getting into the birthday spirit.


61. For your birthday, I wanted to give you something that was both funny and charming, but then I remembered you already have me in your life.


62. You were my cup of tea, but I drink champagne now.


63. Turned my birthday into a lifestyle.


64. Grateful for another year. Wishing myself a great celebration filled with love joy and blessings. Happy 21st birthday to me!


65. Sip sip hooray to a happy birthday.


66. Cheers to pour decisions on my birthday.


67. Happy 21st birthday to you. More greatness, sweetness and loveliness surrounding your beautiful life. Have a nice time.


68. Keep calm and sweet 21 on.


69. You are 21, one-fifth of a century, plus one, four more to go. May you live long to be toothless.


70. I expect things to get 21 times better, not easier, and I expect myself to be 21 times stronger. Happy birthday to me.


71. Happy birthday to you. Today, you’re 21. 21 years stronger, wiser, and better than when you were born. 21 years from now, the growth will be more than that which have been. Have a blast.


72. Happy birthday to you. You’ve survived a lot of years, now you are stronger, better and wiser to handle the years ahead.


73. Here’s to another 365 days of being fabulous.


74. Facebook has some exciting news today.


75. Move over coffee, today may be a day for champagne day!


76. Drinking may not be the answer, but it’s worth a shot.


77. Being 21 is nothing to wine about.


78. Happy 21st birthday dear. May you always be happy, may it be greater than it already is & may your path be wonderful & smooth!


79. I have mixed drinks about turning 21.


80. I wish you the best on your 21st birthday! I hope you bring all the good lessons and memories from the last year straight into the next one. Make it count!


81. I’ve waited 21 years for this moment. Somebody bring the champagne!


Best Instagram Quotes For 21st Birthday Girl

21st birthday quotes for instagram

82. A year closer to death with smiling face and calm breath.


83. 21 is the age of responsibility. Give it a few months and you will be wondering why you were in such a hurry to get here.


84. R.I.P. to my fake I.D.


85. Today is my birthday but I’ll take gifts whenever.


86. May your troubles be as few and much between as my grandmother’s teeth. Happy birthday!


87. Finally legal. Proceed with caution.


88. Studies show that people who have the most birthdays live the longest.


89. Today was the only day when I cried & my mother smiled on it.


90. If you wanna nail your 21st birthday, you gotta get hammered.


91. I’m so awesome, when I was born, I was given a certificate.


92. Time makes you bolder.


93. Start from rock bottom now I’m 21.


94. The secret to staying young is to measure honestly, eat slowly, and lie around your age.


95. I’m officially saying goodbye to my childhood and diving into adulthood. Hello, 21!


96. Cheers to 21 years.


97. Here’s to another great year! May your 21st year be filled with dreams realized, friends made, and happiness aplenty. Happy birthday!


Best 21st Birthday Wish Quotes For Instagram

21st birthday quotes for instagram

98. At 21 everything is possible and tomorrow looks friendly.


99. I’m now one year bolder. Happy birthday to me.


100. I was born with a present, the gift of awesomeness. I’m not just a year older I’m also a year better and prettier.


101. I like birthdays, but I think too many can kill you.


102. You are finally legal. Congrats on your 21st birthday! Enjoy your special celebration.


103. Happy birthday, can’t wait to celebrate this one and many more!


104. Now that you’re 21, it’s time to stop playing video games and start designing them.


105. Happy 21st birthday, to a truly wonderful person. Every day, you bring blessings, light, and happiness to those around you. May today be beautiful.


106. It’s my 21st birthday. I guess there’s a thirst time for everything.


107. Go ahead and card me.


108. 21 looks pretty and good to me.


109. I sparkle like a birthday candle.


110. In good times and bad, I’ll always be by your side. Happy birthday friend!


111. You understand me more than I can even understand myself. I could never thank you enough for all that you have done for me. Happy birthday to the best friend in this whole world.


112. Yes, I become 21.


113. Oh, everyone, it’s my birthday! Time to concentrate to me!


114. Happy birthday to a friend. As you turn 21 today, may your 21 wishes be able to accommodate all your needs, wants and desires.


115. I am looking forward to several more years of friendship and birthdays with you. Have an incredible birthday!


116. A good friend knows all your stories; a best friend helped you write them. Write a new one tonight as we celebrate your birthday!


117. People come and go but true friends always stay. Happy birthday.


118. My date of birth is simply a measure of my awesomeness.


Best 21st Birthday Party Instagram Quotes

21st birthday quotes for instagram

119. Happy Birthday to the person who makes my vital sign rise. Love you always!


120. I want to wish you all the love and happiness within the world, all of which you deserve. Happy birthday my friend!


121. Thankful this wonderful human was born today.


122. Happy birthday to my friend, the one who laughs at my silly jokes and still stands beside me even once I do dumb and stupid things!


123. Happy 21st birthday. May your world be one where life is light and love is heavy. May your youth be filled with good pleasures.


124. I learned the meaning of true friendship from you. Happy birthday my friend. Always going to be there for you.


Best Birthday Captions For 21st Birthday Girl

21st birthday quotes for instagram

125. Twenty years and one year are gone! Golly. It’s been quite a race, I’ve met great, awful, and altogether appalling, yet I’m appreciative notwithstanding. Upbeat birthday to me.


126. I have in excess of 21 comments about the most recent 21 years however do the trick everything to say that there is no time I would have needed to live in other than these previous 21 years. Glad festival to me.


127. I’ve moved to the highest point of high mountains and tumbled to low valleys during my 21-year race. All through, assurance, difficult work, and confidence have made a big difference for me. Upbeat 21st to me. Cool Birthday Captions for Instagram


128. I anticipate that things should improve, not simpler, and I anticipate that I should be multiple times more grounded. Glad birthday to me.


129. This new year, I will be multiple times more grounded, smarter, and better than I’ve at any point been, with God as my witness. Cheerful birthday to me.


130. I’m officially 21, and ready to start the first day of the rest of my very successful life. Watch out, here I come!


131. Born to shine, especially today.


132. Cheerful 21st You’re received!!


133. Cheerful 21st birthday. Is the 21st century not a fun chance to be 21? Have the most awesome aspect of the years ahead and realize that you are relentless.


134. Glad 21st birthday. 21 years on earth have thought you a ton, so in any event, when they say life is a garbage pot of beans, you can strikingly say no, it’s cupcakes and frozen yogurt.


135. Glad 21st birthday to you. More significance, pleasantness, and perfection encompassing your lovely life. Make some decent memories.


136. I promise to always be there to hold your hair back while you’re puking. Happy birthday bestie!


137. Welcome to age 21 – the most fun age in the universe! Happy birthday!


138. Welcome to 21! You’re old enough to have some real fun and young enough to really enjoy it. Party time!


139. I’m officially *insert your age here* years old!


140. Today, I will make a rundown of 21 incredible things I’ve achieved, and I know for sure that it would be in excess of multiple times that when I’m set. Cheerful birthday to me.


141. 21 years is a big deal. It’s experienced will, assurance, and effortlessness that I made it here and I don’t underestimate it. Upbeat birthday to me.


142. Upbeat birthday, companion. 21 is an age where development is practically finished. I realize you have taken in a great deal. Go on and live them out.


143. Glad birthday to you as you turn 21 years of age today. Nothing can prevent you from being awesome. Feel free to stun the world.


Cute Instagram Quotes For 21st Birthday Pictures

21st birthday quotes for instagram

144. I cannot express how much you mean to me. You’re the most wonderful sister in the world, and I’m incredibly proud of you. is turning today, and I wish all the best for you.


145. Just a little birthday verse to tell you how much you mean to me…


146. These are the times that we live for 🙌🏻


147. I am coming out of my shell and opening up to you. I know it’s scary, but trust me, there’s nothing I wouldn’t do to see you smile.💓 HAPPY BIRTHDAY


148. 21 is only a beginning, a great many days and a long period of time are left for me to be and do all that God has made arrangements for me. Glad birthday to me.


149. On the off chance that nobody will blow my trumpet, I will do it without anyone’s help. I’m marvelous, I’m solid, I’m 21 and I’m appreciative. Upbeat birthday to me.


21st Birthday Captions for Guys/Boys

21st birthday quotes for instagram

150. 21 is the age when you realize that you can still be mama’s boy even after leaving mama’s house and paying your bills. Happy birthday to all guys turning 21 today!


151. It’s your 21 birthday and it’s time to celebrate to the fullest.


152. 21 and oh so fun! The life of a man begins at 21. I am happy for our friendship, and I am now sure the little boy who used to protect me from bullies is now a man who can defend his fairer friend from the cruel world. Happy birthday my friend! Being a girl and your lifetime friend has always given me happiness and a sense of security.


153. The benefits of turning 21 are exciting and endless. I hope you enjoy every single one of them. Wishing you a ridiculously fun 21st birthday!


154. 21st birthday is sweet beer, hot girls, party and police.


155. Welcome to the men’s club, brother. Boyhood was a sweet drink, but manhood has vinegar. However, you know what? May you learn to sweeten it with your efforts, we all did. I wish you all the best!


156. Hurrah! Your days of moving around town with a fake ID are finally over! Happy 21st birthday!


157. Happy Birthday to the man who makes my blood pressure rise. Love you always!


158. The wines and beers miss you already. Why keep us waiting?


159. Don’t be fooled by my looks.


160. Another year older, but probably none the wiser.


161. As you turn 21, I send you my best wishes, an angry young man! Though you used to get angry quickly while growing up as a boy, I am glad your anger was because you wanted to ensure everyone did the right thing. May you become an “angry” man whose “anger” will change the world by upholding justice and standing for what is right.


162. Happy birthday to you, to the one who never lets a day pass gloomy. You are our party animal. Party hard today.


163. We only get to celebrate your 21st birthday once. So let’s party up and have a night you won’t forget.


164. What’s the definition of true freedom? It is turning 21! Have a super 21st birthday celebration!


165. I am happy for you on your 21st birthday, my small brother. Another lion from the pride comes of age. I feel so proud of you. Happy 21st birthday, brother!


166. It’s okay to show your excitement. You’re 21 and that’s worth the excitement. Have a fun-filled birthday.


167. Congratulations on turning 21. Now you’re old enough to pay for your own drinks. Kiss your 20’s goodbye!


168. Look who’s turning 21! Time to have some fun.


169. Doughnut be jelly. It’s my birthday.


21st Birthday Captions for Girls

21st birthday quotes for instagram

170. Come on Barbie, let’s go party.


171. Happy birthday my little princess.


172. 21 years gone you’re as yet incredible and stunning. You’re the encapsulation of flawlessness. Cheerful birthday to you.


173. Today, a queen was born.


174. From now on you have to watch out your every move. You are at the age where you can legally get stoned and lose your money from gambling.


175. You are officially 21! I hope the next 21 years are as sweet as the last 21. Enjoy it to the fullest and take nothing for granted.


176. I’m wishing you a very remarkable, joyful and happy 21st birthday!


177. Party girl, cheers, celebration.


178. Happy 21st birthday I wish that nothing and no one take away that smile, which infects everyone around you! Be happy always.


179. On this day, one gorgeous and cute baby girl was born. The Earth received a priceless gift. To that person, I wish you all the best and happy birthday! Love you!


180. Happy birthday to the one who decorated my life from dawn to dusk.


181. It’s time to party and make your birthday as special as you are! I hope your day is fantastic, and the year ahead even better still. Happy birthday!


182. Happy 21st birthday to a lily among thorns. You stand out as the lively, lovely and sweetest among others. Keep being sweet.


21st Birthday Captions for Boyfriend

21st birthday quotes for instagram

183. A beautiful night for a wonderful boyfriend! I wish you a happy 21st birthday, sweetheart.


184. Don’t ever change, because you are just amazing the way you are. Happy Birthday my Hero.


185. A perfect night for a perfect boyfriend.


186. I’m so happy to be getting old with you.


187. Have a very happy birthday from the most grateful girlfriend on the planet. I love you more than you know.


188. You’re another year older… and I’d fall in love with you all over again today. Happy birthday!


189. On this particular day, as you turn 21, I offer you the best birthday present, my love for you, which is immeasurable. I am the luckiest girlfriend today.


190. Happy 21st birthday. Love fills your life more from now on and forever. You are one amazing person I can’t do without.


191. Being this guy’s girlfriend is great. It is, however, costly on his birthday since his cravings are unique. I wish you a happy one on your 21st birthday, my love.


192. Darling, it wouldn’t be a party without you.


193. Happy birthday to the guy with the world’s greatest girlfriend.


194. How wonderful! The biggest thief in the world, the man who has stolen my heart, turns 21 today! Join me in giving him the warmest wishes today.


195. Help me to wish the most awesome boyfriend in the world a beautiful and happiest event as we celebrate his 21st year of birth.


196. Happy birthday to the love of my life and the husband of my dreams! I wish you lots of happiness on this special occasion.


197. I wanna hold your hand when we’re 80 and say we made it. Happy birthday!


198. Happy Birthday to the best boyfriend in the world. I wanted to plan you a surprise birthday party but we all know that I can’t keep a secret.


21st Birthday Captions for Girlfriend

21st birthday quotes for instagram

199. Every day with you is one great celebration and filled only with beautiful moments. I love you baby. Happy birthday!


200. I am grateful that you are a part of my life. All the best on your birthday!


201. Today and always, you will excel and find joy all around you. My dear girlfriend, happy 21st birthday.


202. I pray for this 21st birthday to usher in all the beautiful things of life for my amazing girlfriend. Have a fantastic birthday my love.


203. Your birthday is also mine to celebrate. Happy birthday, dear. Let us have fun together today.


204. Someone I love was born today.


205. May the joy and success of a new age fill your 21st year on earth. Happy birthday my darling.


206. I always praise the skies for bringing you to me. Happy 21st birthday, my darling.


207. I’m so freakin’ happy you were born.


208. Happy birthday to the one who illuminates my world from dawn to dusk, the woman who gives me butterflies of excitement in my heart. I wish I could attach my heart to this birthday wish as you turn 21. It is a beautiful feeling for me here, and I am sure it is even more enjoyable for you.


209. Your 21st year shall be your best one yet, happy birthday sweetheart. May God bless you abundantly.


210. Hugs, kisses and lots of birthday wishes!


211. Here is to the girl who makes my heartbeat stop for a moment, the only round of ammunition in my revolver; the only dream that has ever come true, my girl. I wish you the best as you turn 21. I am so proud of you, my lady!


212. There are so many beautiful reasons to be happy today.


213. I thank God for your 21st year and this special day to celebrate your birthday. Remain blessed my love.


214. You are loved by God and He will always guide you through the days of your life. My darling girlfriend, have a beautiful 21st birthday.


215. It may be your birthday, but you’re my greatest gift.


216. Thanks for giving me great memories that will last a lifetime. Best wishes to you on your birthday.


21st Birthday Captions for Sister

21st birthday quotes for instagram

217. Happy birthday, my sister. Growing up with you for about 21 years have been the most amazing experience in my life. I celebrate you.


218. Happy birthday, sweet sister. It is my wish for you that you get more than your 21 wishes and that all your wishes become reality.


219. You have the ability to make people feel as if they are welcome in your life, lots of love for you!


220. Every single important thing I’ve learned in life, I learned from you, sister. Happy birthday.


221. Remember you can rule this world, my little sister.


222. Dear sister, you are no ordinary lady because God ordained your birth and is moulding you unto perfection. I celebrate you today and wish you a happy 21st birthday.


223. I raise my cup this day and make a toast to my beautiful sister. She’s 21 today.


224. Happy birthday, girl. I wish you bountiful years in health Bland wealth.


225. May you prosper always, my sweet sister. Happy 21st birthday. Welcome to adulthood.


226. Happy 21st birthday to the most amazing sister in the world. I wish you a year of marvellous breakthroughs.


227. Happy birthday to you as you turn 21 years old today. Nothing can stop you from being the best. Go ahead and shock the world.


228. Happy birthday to my sister at 21. God’s blessings will cover and follow you wherever you go, now and forever. You are loved.


229. Happy birthday to my sister. I don’t know what the number 21 represents, but it has to be the best among all the years you’ve previously had.


230. Happy Birthday, sister. You are the real gift for all of us and obviously, the packaging is stunning too. Keep sharing the stuffs inside you with us always.


231. Heartfelt birthday wishes to my dear sister!


232. Today is your day, dear. I wish you a happy and prosperous 21st birthday. Have fun and stay blessed.


233. Happy birthday, dear sister. I wish you long life and prosperity. As you turn 21, may the Lord lift you to higher heights.


234. I still get the time you born, Happy birthday sister.


235. Happy birthday, gorgeous! I am grateful for the magical time that we spend together, sis. Be happy!


21st Birthday Captions for Instagram Selfies

21st birthday quotes for instagram

236. 21 and having fun.


237. It’s my birthday, but first, let me take a selfie.


238. Celebrating this big day, with all my favs.


239. It’s an ideal day for anyone and everybody to wish me a cheerful birthday. So happy birthday, love, me.


240. Would it really be my birthday if I didn’t take a selfie?


241. Cheers to myself for surviving another year! May I even have more wonderful, crazy years before me! Happy birthday, me!


242. Hello, 21.


243. I’m so freakin’ happy I was born.


244. I’m so excited to blow the candles.


245. Grab your friends, your sunblock, and your hammocks; let’s celebrate the return of summer with 21 Days of birthday celebrations!


246. Happy 21st Birthday to the best big sister in the world!! I love her with all my heart. I wish you a day full of love and great memories with your family and new friends! Have a drink on me, sis! 🙂 ❤


247. Happy 21st Birthday to my best friend. I’m so proud of the incredible young woman you’ve become, and I know you’ll continue to be a blessing in so many ways. Love you forever, Sis❤️


248. Happy 21st Birthday to you, happy 21st Birthday to you, happy 21st Birthday, dear brother, Happy 21st Birthday to you!


249. Still wild after all these years.


250. I could reveal to you 21 things on a day like this, however, I’ll not neglect to disclose to you that you’ve been an awesome individual, as far as I might be concerned, yet to people around you. Cheerful birthday.


251. Cheerful birthday to a companion. As you turn 21 today, may your 21 wishes have the option to oblige every one of your requirements, needs, and wants.


252. Upbeat 21st birthday. May your reality be one where life is light and love is hefty. May your childhood be loaded up with great delights.


253. Try not to stress over your age, you will be more established one year from now. Upbeat birthday!


254. I’m only here for the birthday cake.


255. You comprehend me beyond what I can even get myself. I would never thank you enough for all that you have accomplished for me. Cheerful Birthday to the closest companion in this entire world.


256. All through this long-term period, I’ve had the option to see with my own eyes the great individuals in this world to develop enduring kinships with, and I’ve had the option to remove the awful as well. Say thanks to God for this magnificent excursion.


257. Despite the fact that I’ve had the best 21 years of my life up until now, I celebrate in light of the fact that I know there are numerous better a long time ahead. I glad 21 to me.


258. I’ve figured out how to cherish myself and individuals for pretty much my 21 years of presence in this world. I’m appreciative to God for this extraordinary exercise. Cheerful birthday to me.


259. My 21 years in this world have certainly made ready and open various entryways for individuals. I’m appreciative to God for making me when he did. I glad 21 to me.


260. If you haven’t started drinking alcohol yet, don’t start now, because it’s too late. Happy Birthday!


261. The best years of life are about to come. A little beer can help you with that, of course. Happy Birthday!


262. It took 21 years to get this awesome.


263. Keep calm, ‘cause it’s my birthday / I can’t keep calm ‘cause it’s my birthday.


264. I’m in the pleasant position announcing you that you are able to drink and gamble from now on. Happy 21st Birthday!


265. Cheers and beers to my 21 years.


266. Turning 21 today.


267. Gonna dance all night.


268. Don’t ever be afraid to shine.


269. It’s my birthday, but I’m gifting you all with this present.


270. Just making them stop and stare, because it’s my birthday.


21st birthday quotes for instagram

271. The 21st breakthrough is so much more than an age. It’s about great moments, lot of fun and impatience to all the wonderful things are about to come. Happy 21st Birthday!


272. Yes, 21 Babbbyyyyyy….


273. You have been expecting 21 years to be ready to drink some alcohol. Hmmm. i do know you didn’t! Happy 21st Birthday, instead!


274. Making my years count rather than counting the years.


275. Eating my cake and wearing it, too.


276. I can not help being cute, i used to be born this manner.


277. May the fork be with you.


278. Sassy since birth.


279. I aren’t getting older, I level up.


280. Today, the planet received a present . It’s me and welcome .


281. Don’t get older , it is a trap.”


282. Age is simply a hashtag.


283. I can not help being cute, i used to be born this manner .


284. May the fork be with you. Let’s eat cake.


285. Of course, I don’t skills to act my age. I’ve never been this age before!


286. The only things getting LIT today are the candles on my cake!


287. I’m too young to be this old.


288. New year, same me… because I’m already awesome.


289. Cheerful Birthday to the one who makes my pulse rise. Love you generally!


290. Continue sparkling delightful one, the world needs your light.


291. You may not be the main companion I have, however you’re unquestionably the main companion I need. Favored to go through one more year with you.


292. I don’t care about this world now cuz now is m an adult.


293. Its Birthday Girls order.


294. In some cases, taste occurs on your birthday.


295. I wish a few evenings kept going forever.”


296. There are so numerous excellent motivations to be glad today.


297. Thank you, God, for gift me with another awesome year.


298. The date of my introduction to the world has caused me to understand that an individual doesn’t get to my age, without settling on savvy choices, and continually considering things! it’s really, A miracle that I even made it this far! Cheerful birthday to me…


299. Chapter 21, Page 1.


300. Woke up a little older… but not wiser.


301. My day, my way. #21


302. So this is 21.


303. Favorite day of the year. #21


304. On a scale of 1-10, feeling a solid 21.


305. Wow, never been 21 before.


306. Made it to 21! I know. I’m as surprised as you are.


307. I don’t care how old I’m turning, so long as there’s cake.


308. Only took 21 years to get this cute.


309. Make a wish. #21

This post was all about 21st birthday quotes for Instagram.


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