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110+ Amazing Cross Tattoo Designs For Women [2024] You Need To Check Out

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Discover the best cross tattoo designs for women and find inspiration for your next ink masterpiece. Express your faith with a cross tattoo idea that’s both feminine and meaningful.

Cross tattoos have been around for centuries and are one of the most popular designs in the tattoo industry.

For women, cross tattoos can be a symbol of faith, strength, and personal expression.

With so many different styles and variations to choose from, it can be difficult to decide on the perfect design that represents you.

That’s why we’ve compiled a list of 110+ amazing cross tattoo designs for women that you need to check out.

From delicate and feminine designs to bold and edgy statements, there’s something for everyone on this list.

Whether you’re looking for inspiration for your first tattoo or adding to your existing collection, these best cross tattoo ideas will leave you feeling empowered and inspired.

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This post is all about cross tattoo designs for women.


What Does A Cross Tattoo Mean

cross tattoo designs for women


A cross tattoo is a popular choice among many people, both men and women.

It is a symbol that has been used for centuries and holds significant meaning in various cultures and religions.

The cross represents the intersecting point between the divine and human realms, making it a powerful representation of faith, hope, and love.

In Christianity, the cross is a symbol of sacrifice as Jesus Christ died on the cross to save humanity from sin.

Many Christians opt for a cross tattoo to display their devotion to their faith or as a reminder of their redemption.

On the other hand, some non-religious individuals choose to get a cross tattoo simply because they appreciate its aesthetic appeal.

The design possibilities for a cross tattoo are endless – from intricate Celtic knots to minimalist outlines, there’s something for everyone.

Some popular variations include tribal designs, religious imagery (such as rosary beads), or incorporating other symbols like hearts or flowers into the design.

Whatever style you choose, getting a cross tattoo is undoubtedly an excellent way to express your beliefs or add an eye-catching piece of art to your body art collection.


Cross Tattoos for Women

cross tattoo designs for women


What are some unique cross tattoo ideas for women?

When it comes to cross tattoo ideas, there are endless options to choose from.

You can opt for a simple and minimalistic design or a more elaborate one that incorporates your personal touch.

One unique cross tattoo idea for women is to get a wooden cross inked onto your body, especially if you’re going for a natural and rustic look.


Where on the body are popular placements for cross tattoos on women?

cross tattoo designs for women


Popular placements for cross tattoos on women include the wrist, ankle, neck, back, ribcage, and even behind the ear.

These placements are discreet and easily concealable, making them perfect for those who want to keep their tattoo a secret or those who want to show it off to the world.


Small Cross Tattoos

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cross tattoo designs for women

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cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women

Small cross tattoos are a popular choice among women who want to show their faith in a subtle yet meaningful way.

These tattoos can be placed anywhere on the body, from the wrist and ankle to the behind the ear and even on the finger.

They are perfect for those who want a discreet tattoo that is easy to hide if necessary.

One of the benefits of small cross tattoos is that they can be customized to suit your personal style.

For example, you can add flowers or vines around the cross or opt for a minimalist design with just an outline of a cross.

You can also choose different colors or use shading techniques to give your tattoo depth and dimension.


Floral Cross Tattoos

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cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women

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cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


Floral cross tattoos are a beautiful and feminine way to incorporate flowers and religious symbolism into body art.

These tattoos often feature intricate designs of crosses made up entirely of flowers, or with floral accents surrounding the cross.

The flowers used can vary widely, from delicate daisies to bold roses or exotic orchids.

Many women choose to get a floral cross tattoo as a way to express their faith while also showcasing their love for nature and beauty.

In addition, these tattoos can be customized to represent specific meanings or memories, such as incorporating certain flowers that hold personal significance or adding initials or dates around the cross.


Tribal Cross Tattoos

cross tattoo designs for women


Tribal cross tattoos are a popular design choice among those who want to showcase their cultural heritage.

These tattoos combine the traditional cross symbol with intricate tribal patterns, creating a unique and meaningful tattoo that reflects both spirituality and identity.

Tribal cross tattoos are often large in size and placed on the upper arm, chest or back.

One of the main appeals of tribal cross tattoos is their versatility.

They can be designed in various styles and colours, allowing for personalisation to fit individual preferences.

Some people choose to incorporate animals or other elements into their tribal crosses, adding even more meaning to the tattoo.

Whether it’s a nod to ancestry, spiritual beliefs or simply an aesthetically pleasing design choice, tribal cross tattoos continue to be a top choice for those seeking meaningful body art.


Classic Cross Tattoo Ideas

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cross tattoo designs for women


Cross tattoos have been classic tattoo choices for both men and women for centuries.

The classic cross tattoo is often simple in design, yet it carries a powerful message of religious or spiritual significance.

There are several variations of the cross tattoo that can be incorporated into the design to make it unique and personal.

One classic cross tattoo idea is the Celtic Cross, which features intricate knotwork and often incorporates elements of nature such as animals or tree branches.

Another classic option is the Gothic Cross, which has a more dramatic and ornate appearance with pointed edges and intricate details.

A third option is the Maltese Cross, which has eight points and was originally used by medieval knights as their emblem.


Celtic Cross Tattoos

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cross tattoo designs for women


Celtic cross tattoos are a popular choice among those who want to showcase their Irish or Scottish heritage.

These tattoos feature intricate designs and knotwork that symbolize the intertwining of various elements of nature.

The Celtic cross is also known as the high cross, and it represents Christianity in Ireland.

The design of the Celtic cross tattoo typically features a circle in the center, which represents eternity or unity.

The four arms of the cross represent different aspects of nature such as earth, water, fire, and air. Some people choose to include other symbols such as animals or flowers in their Celtic cross tattoo design.

Overall, Celtic cross tattoos are a meaningful way to express one’s connection to their culture and spirituality.

They also serve as beautiful pieces of art that showcase intricate designs and patterns that have been passed down for centuries.

Whether you’re looking for a small ankle tattoo or a full sleeve design, there is no shortage of options when it comes to choosing a Celtic cross tattoo that fits your unique style.


Simple Cross Tattoo Designs

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cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


Cross tattoos are a popular design choice for both men and women. They are simple yet meaningful, symbolizing faith, hope, and love.

With their versatile nature, they can be customized to reflect an individual’s personality or belief system.

Simple cross tattoo designs include basic black ink outlines, minimalist styles with fine lines, or small crosses placed on the wrist or behind the ear.

These designs are perfect for those who want a subtle yet powerful symbol of their beliefs without drawing too much attention.

Some popular variations of simple cross tattoos include Celtic knots incorporated into the design or adding words like “faith” or “grace” underneath the cross.

Whatever style you choose, a simple cross tattoo is a timeless and classic design that will never go out of style.


Cross Rosary Tattoos

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cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


Cross rosary tattoos are a popular design choice for those looking to incorporate both religious and spiritual elements into their tattoo.

The rosary is a symbol of devotion and prayer in the Catholic faith, while the cross represents the sacrifice and redemption of Jesus Christ.

The combination of these two symbols creates a powerful image that is often associated with faith, hope, and protection.

Many people choose to get cross rosary tattoos as a way to honor loved ones who have passed away or to show their own personal connection to their faith.

These tattoos can be designed in various styles, from simple black ink designs to more intricate and colorful pieces.

Some people choose to include additional elements in their tattoo, such as flowers or doves, to add even more meaning.


Cool Cross Tattoo On Wrist

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cross tattoo designs for women


A cool cross tattoo on the wrist is a great choice for those who want to express their faith in a subtle yet attractive way.

This type of tattoo design can be small and simple or more intricate, depending on your preferences.

Some popular variations include Celtic crosses, tribal designs, or even minimalist line art.

One advantage of getting a cross tattoo on the wrist is that it’s easy to conceal if necessary.

You can wear long sleeves or bracelets to cover it up for more formal occasions or simply show it off as part of your everyday look.

Additionally, this location is less painful than other areas like the ribs or back, making it a good option for first-time tattoo recipients.


Small Cross Tattoo Behind Ear

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cross tattoo designs for women


A small cross tattoo behind the ear is a popular choice for those who want a discreet yet meaningful design.

This type of tattoo can be easily hidden by hair or shown off with an updo.

The placement also adds a touch of femininity to the traditionally masculine symbol.

There are many styles and variations of cross tattoos to choose from, such as Celtic knots, floral designs, and minimalist lines.

Some people may opt for a simple black ink design while others may add color or personal touches like initials or dates.

When getting any tattoo, it’s important to research the tattoo artists and ensure they have experience with small designs and delicate areas like behind the ear.

It’s also crucial to follow proper aftercare instructions to prevent infection and promote healing.

A small cross tattoo behind the ear can be a beautiful reminder of one’s faith or simply a stylish accessory.


3D Cross Tattoos

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cross tattoo designs for women


3d cross tattoos are becoming increasingly popular as they are a unique way to showcase one’s faith.

These tattoos create the illusion of depth and dimension which make them look like they are popping out of the skin.

The use of shading and highlighting techniques give these tattoos a realistic appearance that is both eye-catching and stunning.

One popular design for 3d cross tattoos is the Celtic cross, which features intricate knotwork and patterns that add depth and texture to the tattoo.

Another popular design is the crucifix, which depicts Jesus Christ on the cross with highly detailed features such as muscles, veins, and facial expressions.


Tiny Cross Tattoos

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cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


Tiny cross tattoos are a popular choice for those who want a subtle yet meaningful design.

These tiny tattoos can be placed almost anywhere on the body, from the wrist to behind the ear.

They come in different styles, such as minimalist, geometric, and delicate.

One of the benefits of getting a tiny cross tattoo is that it is less painful than larger designs.

The pain level varies depending on where you get it done, but generally speaking, small tattoos are easier to bear.

Another advantage is that they are easy to conceal if needed.

This makes them suitable for people who work in conservative environments or do not want their tattoos visible at certain times.


Wooden Cross Tattoo Designs

cross tattoo designs for women

cross tattoo designs for women


Wooden cross tattoo designs are popular among both men and women.

They often represent faith, spirituality, and the idea of sacrifice.

In some cultures, wooden crosses are used as a symbol of remembrance or mourning for lost loved ones.

The design possibilities for wooden cross tattoos are endless.

Some people opt for a simple, minimalist design with just the outline of a wooden cross.

Others choose to incorporate other elements such as flowers, vines, or religious symbols like doves or angels.


Beautiful Cross Tattoo Designs With Words

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cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women

cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


Cross tattoo designs with words are becoming increasingly popular among both men and women.

These tattoos typically feature a cross, either as the main focal point or as a smaller element incorporated into the design.

The words can be anything from a meaningful quote to a Bible verse or even just a single word that holds personal significance.

One of the most popular cross tattoo designs with words is the combination of a small cross adorned with an inspirational word or phrase, such as “faith,” “hope,” or “love.”

This type of tattoo is often placed on the wrist or behind the ear for a subtle yet meaningful statement.

Another popular option for cross tattoo designs with words is to incorporate scripture into the design.

This can be done in several ways, such as having the text wrap around the cross itself or having it written in calligraphy above or below.


Prayer Hands With Cross Tattoos

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cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


Prayer hands with cross tattoos are a unique and meaningful way to express one’s faith.

This design involves the image of two hands clasped together in prayer, with a cross resting on top or incorporated into the design.

It symbolizes the act of praying to God and seeking guidance and blessings from Him.

One reason why this tattoo is so popular is because it combines two powerful symbols of faith- the cross and prayer.

The cross represents Jesus’ sacrifice for humanity, while prayer is an essential aspect of Christianity that allows individuals to communicate with God.

Together, they create a beautiful and powerful image that reminds people of the importance of faith in their lives.


Simple Black Cross Tattoo Designs

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cross tattoo designs for women


The simple black cross tattoo design has been a popular choice among men and women for years.

These designs are perfect for those who want a subtle yet meaningful way to express their faith or spirituality.

One of the reasons why this design is so popular is its versatility.

It can be small or large, placed on any part of the body, and paired with other images or symbols.

One example of a simple black cross tattoo design is the minimalist style, which features an outline of a small cross without any shading or details.

This design looks great on the wrist, ankle, or behind the ear.

Another option is a Celtic cross, which incorporates intricate knot work into the traditional Christian symbol.

This style adds more detail and depth to the design while still maintaining simplicity.


Finger Cross Tattoo Designs

cross tattoo designs for women



One of the most unique and popular tattoo designs among women is the finger cross tattoo.

This simple yet meaningful design is perfect for those who want a subtle way to express their faith or spirituality.

Finger cross tattoos can be placed on any finger, and they come in a variety of styles, from minimalist black ink designs to more elaborate pieces that incorporate flowers, hearts, or other symbols.

One popular variation of the finger cross tattoo is the tiny cross design placed on the side of the finger.

This delicate tattoo looks elegant and understated while still making a statement about one’s beliefs.

Another option is to go for a larger cross design that covers multiple fingers or wraps around the hand like a bracelet.

No matter what style you choose, a finger cross tattoo is sure to catch people’s attention and spark conversations about your faith.

As with any tattoo design, it’s important to carefully consider placement and size before getting inked.

Since fingers are exposed to frequent movement and wear-and-tear, it may be necessary to touch up your finger cross tattoo over time in order to maintain its crisp lines and bold coloration.

However, with proper care and maintenance, this timeless symbol of devotion can serve as a powerful reminder of your spiritual journey for years to come.


Large Amazing Cross Tattoos

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cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


Cross tattoos are a popular choice for both men and women, and for good reason.

The cross is a symbol of devotion, faith, and spirituality, making it the perfect tattoo design for those who want to display their beliefs on their skin.

Large amazing cross tattoos can be especially striking and impactful, serving as a powerful expression of one’s faith.

When it comes to designing a large amazing cross tattoo, there are many different styles and variations to choose from.

Some people opt for simple black ink designs that feature clean lines and minimal shading, while others prefer more elaborate designs with intricate details and vibrant colors.

Some popular variations include Celtic crosses, which feature intricate knotwork patterns inspired by ancient Irish art; gothic crosses with ornate embellishments; or even tribal-inspired designs that incorporate bold black lines and geometric shapes.


More Best Cross Tattoo Designs For Women

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cross tattoo designs for women



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cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women

cross tattoo designs for women


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cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women


cross tattoo designs for women




Q: What does a cross tattoo represent?

A: A cross tattoo represents different things for different people.

For Christians, a cross tattoo is a symbol of their faith and represents Jesus on the cross.

For others, it can be a memorial tattoo or a symbol of their personal beliefs.

Q: Are cross tattoos only for religious people?

A: No, cross tattoos are not only for religious people.

Anyone can get a cross tattoo, regardless of their religious beliefs. It can be a beautiful tattoo design, and it can have different meanings for different people.

Q: What is the best type of cross for a tattoo?

A: The best type of cross for a tattoo is a personal choice. Some popular types of cross are the Christian cross, Celtic cross, Tribal cross, and Gothic cross.

Choose the one that resonates with you the most.

Q: Can a cross tattoo be combined with other elements?

A: Yes, a cross tattoo can be combined with other elements to create a unique design.

Some popular combinations are a heart tattoo with a cross, a rose with a cross, or a dove with a cross.

Q: What is the meaning of a heart tattoo with a cross?

A: A heart tattoo with a cross represents love and faith.

It is a popular design choice for couples who want to get matching tattoos.

Q: Is a cross tattoo a good choice for a first tattoo?

A: A cross tattoo can be a good choice for a first tattoo.

It is a simple design, and it can be made small or large.

However, it is important to choose a talented tattoo artist to do the work.

Q: What are some unique cross tattoo ideas?

A: Some unique cross tattoo ideas are a cross with angel wings, a cross with a snake, or a cross with a compass.

The possibilities are endless, and it depends on your personal taste.

Q: What is the best place to get a cross tattoo?

A: The best place to get a cross tattoo is a personal choice. Some popular locations are the wrist, the ankle, the back of the neck, or the upper arm.

Conclusion: Get A Cross Tattoo

In conclusion, cross tattoos are a popular and meaningful tattoo design that holds significant importance to both women and men.

Whether you choose a traditional design or a more personalized one, a cross tattoo is a beautiful way to showcase your faith, spirituality, and beliefs.

This post was all about cross tattoo designs for women.


About The Author

Tracy is an experienced personal stylist, shopping expert, and fashion & lifestyle blogger. She has been featured on Time Magazine, Bustle, Best Life, Glam, The Zoe Report, Mic, and GOBankingRates, for her insights on fashion, beauty, home decor, and lifestyle. Read More


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